Nook End
Nook End progress Feb 2021, scenic features being added to or enhanced. Clever use of the narrow gaps between walls and back-scenes to give illusions of depth. Barrie's Plank (as he calls it!) was put through its paces on 16 May 2019
Barrie's Layout Tuther-End to Somweir-Halse
The New "Tuther-End" layout, this fits in the Hall and runs around into the Lounge. Whilst inside, also is a stand alone layout for future exhibitions. See work in progress as of August 2020
Some ingenious ways of 'Skirting' a problem, with the bridge on a curve. When used outside the layout will be in a straight line so the bridge on a curve is for inside only. Good use of White Rose base boards, with home made supporting legs.
Watch this space as work progresses, new (old) baseboards erected against the garden fence, note cleaver way of securing them to the fence 'hook n eye'
Some ingenious ways of 'Skirting' a problem, with the bridge on a curve. When used outside the layout will be in a straight line so the bridge on a curve is for inside only. Good use of White Rose base boards, with home made supporting legs.
Watch this space as work progresses, new (old) baseboards erected against the garden fence, note cleaver way of securing them to the fence 'hook n eye'
Work in progress in 2018
Brammingham (Town) - part of my outdoor extended shunting plank. Now removed 2019